Monday, June 27, 2011

DAY 26: Getting things done!

Today was a pretty ordinary day- another hot one! Woke up, went to school, left school.. Whitney and I went to Oxford Street so she could find some things for her photoshoot and so I could look for a swimsuit. My roommate Shelise found a pool in Camden and spent the day lying out since she doesn't have class on Mondays and Wednesdays. Besides tomorrow the rest of the week looks like it's going to be sunny and warm, so I wanted to be prepared! Unfortunately, I didn't find a swimsuit. My pickiness and impatience were kicking in so I decided to put it off for another day.

As amazing as this trip has been, and will continue to be, I've been feeling kind of off- missing home, missing my friends. I felt like I needed a change. After I made dinner, I spent the next hour and a half dying my hair back to brown. No more ombre (dark faded to light) for me. It was cool for a while but I was tired of looking at it and for some reason hated it in pictures.

I've cleaned my room and prepared to do laundry, now I plan to do homework and try to get ahead for my last two weeks of school (EVER, undergraduate at least...). I'll try to have a more exciting day tomorrow to document! Until then, CHEERS!

Jenny, Whitney and I at the Porterhouse Pub on Friday night
Bye-bye Ombre hair!

1 comment:

  1. Funny how changing your hair color back to brown also motivated you to clean your room and do homework.
    I love it!
