Tuesday, July 12, 2011

DAY 38: PARIS pt. 2

We woke up pretty early Saturday morning so we could get a lot done. The hotel we stayed in had an amazing breakfast buffet, so we spent a pretty good amount of time there enjoying breakfast and filling up for the long day. The croissants were fantastic!
The first stop of the day was Notre Dame. We spent a lot of time there. Like the tower, it was really breathtaking – inside and out. There is something about standing in front of such a huge, old, famous building that is really overwhelming, but in a good way. We walked through the interior and were going to go up to the towers but the line was so long it would have taken hours to get through. The bells chimed while I was there so that was pretty cool.
From Notre Dame we went to theArch de Triumphe and Champs de Elysse to look around. It’s probably about a mile long so we did about ¼ of it and turned around. After that we went to Galleries Lafayette, a very old art neavou department store with a gorgeous atrium and stained glass dome ceiling. I’m a little embarrassed to admit we ate at the Mcdonald’s on the 4th floor of Galleries Lafayette. Half dying of starvation and strapped for time, it was a good enough option.
After a little shopping and lunch, we spent a good amount of time trying to figure out what to do next, followed by lots of walking in circles looking for the right bus stop. We were so turned around and couldn’t find anyone who spoke enough English to tell us how to get where we need to go, so we just went back to the hotel to see the nice concierge who spoke great English. It turned out the museum we were trying to get to was too far away to make it there in back in time to make our train.
Completely exhausted from the most whirl-wind trip ever, we spent our last two hours hanging out at the hotel bar. They gave us a complementary glass of wine while we were sitting there waiting. The bar tender heard us say it was Emily’s birthday so he poured us all a glass of champagne! We sat around talking with him about London and America and music videos and he ended up giving us the rest of the bottle of champagne that he opened for us.  It was a really nice way to end our trip.
The train ride home was much more pleasant then the ride there. It’s only about two hours by Eurostar so we were back in no time. While we were on our way home, Whitney called me and asked if I’d e interested in going to Scotland with her and Jeni the next day until Tuesday. Of course I said I’d love to!  We finally got back from the station around 8:30at night. As soon as I got home, Whitney and Jeni gave me all the information so I could book my ticket to Scotland. I unpacked my bag from Paris, cleaned my room a little, and repacked my bag for Scotland!

Techinical Difficulties

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