Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Alive & Well!

Hello all!
I just wanted to apologize again to my loyal readers who have been checking back for updates! I’m so sorry I got behind on my blog… but I promise it’s all for good reason. My London experience has brought me out of my shell and I’ve been lucky enough to meet some really amazing people and to spend time with them exploring London and having tons of fun. It’s not that keeping you all updated isn’t important! Between uploading the photos and typing the full summary of the day, it takes about an hour and a half to do a post, which I would generally spend alone in my room. As the days get marked off the calendar and my trip comes closer to an end, I would like to spend as little time in room and as much time with my new friends in this great city as possible.
I have so many stories and probably thousands of pictures to share. It would take weeks to pick up where I left off so I’ll start with my most recent trip to Lagos, Portugal.

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